Founder's Story
It has been said that often times your past misery becomes your future ministry. Below, you'll find the story of Founder Ben Greenzweig, who is channeling his past pain into a mission to bring relief and hope to his community today.
My family and I moved here in 2020 and were instantly overwhelmed by the welcoming love and support this beautiful community showed us at every turn. This kindness helped ease our transition, which included three young children starting new schools more than 750 miles from where they grew up. From that moment on, our family was driven to find some way to give back to this wonderful community, which we can never fully thank enough.
We planted deep roots in this community by volunteering at pet shelters, church, schools, and even coaching softball for many wonderful and rewarding seasons. But we always felt a calling to do more. Mental health has always been my passion and purpose. I have been public about my own struggles and, years ago, decided to be more open about my challenges in hopes of reducing the dual stigma of both talking about mental health and seeking treatment for it.
After more than 25 years in the media and events business, including running my own business for the past 11, I felt a burden on my heart to help address the lack of mental health treatment options right here in Horry, Georgetown, and neighboring counties. I witnessed firsthand the suffering of friends, family members, and neighbors and felt helpless. Successful treatments do exist, but there are not enough of them in many parts of this country, including ours. Additionally, as our population continues to grow, the demand for help continues to rise, leaving many with few to no options to address their depression, anxiety, PTSD, OCD, and other behavioral health struggles.
My calling.
I was blessed almost 10 years ago to have befriended a leading NIH-funded child psychiatrist who has been on the front lines of researching, developing, and delivering the latest in FDA-cleared, drug-free, non-invasive mental health treatments. Having felt a deep and unshakable calling to address our community’s mental health struggles, I spoke with him and simply asked, "Is there any reason why all the great treatments you're offering in New York City can't be brought here to Myrtle Beach?"
Before I could finish the sentence, my friend, Dr. Owen S. Muir, replied, "Absolutely not." So together, we decided that this was what we were going to do. Dr. Muir, who also co-founded a company called Breakthrough 6, which is working to set up these new mental health brain treatment centers throughout the country, was very excited to work with me to make Myrtle Beach one of the first pilot locations.
And that is how Living Water went from a calling to a reality.
The burden on my heart was to not only bring these novel treatment solutions to my community but to do so as a non-profit organization so that profits would never be put before people's mental health. This commitment is expressed directly in our mission statement:
"To glorify God by providing all those in mental health need with the latest evidence-based treatments to live a restored life, in peace and free from suffering so that they may become spiritually restored."
Spiritual restoration is critical to living a full and healthy life, and only when one is freed from their mental health struggles can that transformation truly begin. To that end, Living Water has been incorporated as a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation, where delivering treatments will only be part of our mission.We are committed to sowing back into the kingdom by offering programs, educational opportunities, scholarships, and supporting mental health-focused projects that reduce the dual stigma of a mental health diagnosis and seeking treatment.
Gratefully yours,
Ben Greenzweig
Founder, Executive Director
Living Water Mental Health BRAIN Treatment Center
A South Carolina-based, registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization
PS: I want to give a special thank you and shout out to Austin Bond Photography for the amazing site photographs that beautifully capture life on the Grand Strand.

The Greenzweig Family; Ben, Casey, our son Max and daughters Molly and Shea.

Me and Dr. Muir at The Summit on Breakthrough Therapies for Addiction.

Our loyal family rescue pups, Ty (above) and Shelby.